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大學程式能力檢定 UVA10008 What's Cryptanalysis? 問題的中文與英文描述,包含錯誤處理和邊界檢查的完整C++範例程式碼,用於解決UVA10008問題,以及解題思路的解釋
英文:Cryptanalysis is the science of decrypting coded messages without possessing the key. It is a basic tool in modern computer security. Your task is to write a program which decrypts simple messages.
Write a program that decrypts simple messages for "Aliens from Outer Space, Inc."
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <cctype>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int n;
cin >> n;
cin.ignore(); // Ignore the newline character after n.
map<char, int> letterCount;
// Read and process each line of text.
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
string line;
getline(cin, line);
// Iterate through each character in the line.
for (char c : line) {
if (isalpha(c)) {
// Convert the character to uppercase and update the count.
// Create a vector of pairs to sort the letters by count and then by character.
vector<pair<int, char>> sortedLetters;
for (auto entry : letterCount) {
sortedLetters.push_back(make_pair(entry.second, entry.first));
// Sort the letters first by count (in descending order) and then by character (in ascending order).
sort(sortedLetters.begin(), sortedLetters.end(), greater<pair<int, char>>());
// Print the sorted letters and their counts.
for (auto entry : sortedLetters) {
cout << entry.second << " " << entry.first << endl;
return 0;
大學程式能力檢定 UVA10222 Decode the Mad man 問題的中文與英文描述,包含錯誤處理和邊界檢查的完整C++範例程式碼,用於解決UVA10222問題,以及解題思路的解釋
中文:Mad man想要知道你是否聰明到足以破解他的密碼。他寫了一段密文,你需要幫助他解碼。
英文:Mad man wants to know if you are smart enough to decrypt his coded message. He has written a piece of text and you need to help him to decode it.
You know that one letter corresponds to another letter. For example, 'a' corresponds to 'c', 'b' corresponds to 'd', and so on. You need to write a program that deciphers the given text into plain text.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cctype>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string substitution = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; // 明文字母對應表
string cipherText;
while (getline(cin, cipherText)) {
for (char& c : cipherText) {
if (isalpha(c)) {
// 將密文字母轉換為小寫,並使用對應表替換
c = tolower(c);
cout << substitution[c - 'a'];
else {
// 如果不是字母,直接輸出原字符
cout << c;
cout << endl;
return 0;